Thursday, June 2, 2011

chapter 27 - world knowledge

Mat was shocked beyond anything he had ever been. He was using telepathy to discuss humanity destiny with the world oldest zombies. His mind rebelled against the idea. George talked again:
- Relax my friend, what is really happening is that your brain is simply emitting and receiving electric waves. The same way a radio works. The virus we have inside is simply expending the range of these waves. That’s what happens with those of us who can control other undead. They simply broadcast their commands and like nice little robots, the Z’s obey.
- Eventually, we all develop this talent. Even though for some of us, it takes longer than for others. Now, continued Nadia, what will you do? Join us or keep helping those who destroy our only and truly important friend, mother earth?
- What about what is happening to me? Can I stop it? I have had enough of being special. I just wanted to be happy and now, I have a bunch of crazy people in my head while I can’t even move!!!! I WANT IT TO STOP NOW!
The mental scream was so strong that everywhere zombies stopped dead in their track and only the truly strong one were able to fight the command. The whole base was put through red alert and only after two hours of searching for the enemy did they notice that Matthiew’s state had change. He had gone from semi comatose to completely off. Nothing seemed to get through him. The doctors tried everything in their powers to get a reaction from him but the conclusion was that he had fled as deep as one could when the order to “stop” had been issued. Nothing they did would get him out. The only thing they could do was to keep him feed and when he was ready, he would come out of his shields.
The top brass decided to follow this plan and even though Mat was a hero, they had a war to fight and they could not let one of their own stop their effort to save humanity. Parkson was enraged and Thompson wasn’t better off. But orders were orders. By now, the rumors had been confirmed: the Ark project was underway and the first footage of a zombie had been seen on national tv. It was time to move to plan B. What was plan B? To find a plan C and fast!
Working over the clock, the people at the top came with a cover story and a reason for the Dark Blood Hunters: A special brand of biochemical medicament had been developed but had turned wrong. Instead of curing paralysis and helping with regeneration, it had attacked the brain and transformed the poor souls in “zombies”. Special teams of Bio-hazard Containment Forces were deployed all over the world to help the different government with the containment and purging of this menace. For now, it would have to do while they worked on a counter strike at their enemy.
It might have worked if on CNN, during prime time, a message of the Bringers of Light claiming full responsibility for the undead rising had not caused mass hysteria and global panic. And while all this happened, Matthiew hid behind his shield.

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