Friday, August 17, 2012

Chapter 37: Religion and Zombies

Sitting in their living room, the Martin’s watched this incredible special program. The pope, the Chef Rabbi, the Grand Imam and the Grand Mufti were also present to discuss the view of their religion in relation to the Zombie revelation. The host, a famous American reporter and news anchor was having the prestigious and difficult task of directing the discussion. The rendez-vous point had been kept a secret to avoid terrorist attacks and Z’s menace. There were interprets and security personnel easily visible. - Good Evening, my name is Oliver as most of our American viewers know. For those woo I have the chance to talk to for the very first time, I wish you good evening. Tonight, we will have the pleasure of discussing with the most respected leaders of the 3 most influential religions in the world. Before we start, we did not forget Buddhism, Shintoism, and other religion like these, we will have a special show for these in due time. For now, we will start with a question for the Pope. The pope smile politely and waited for the question. - With the revelation of the Zombie threat, some people wondered if Jesus, a figure proved to have existed due to archeological evidence, was not in fact a Zombie. The fact that he got crucified, speared and tortured to death then came back from the dead, does these evidence point to a Zombie in light of the revelation of their existence? - I am glad you asked the question. Zombies do not show any sign of cognitive intelligence. They are creatures with only one goal and that is to eat and destroy humanity. How could the son of Good be a zombie and still tell his message of love and compassion? He could not have done so. Thus, he was not a zombie. - Thank you. My next question is for the Chef Rabbi: What do you make of the new studies that explain the seven plague of Egypt as being in fact the Zombie Plague propagated by angry Jew’s who went to the extreme to liberate their people from the Egyptians and thus infected every first born with the Zombie plague, forcing the death of hundreds of innocents? - Thank you Oliver, I was hoping for this question. When faced with new revelation that change the way we see the past, people with a grudge will often use these to their advantage. They will turn one of the most sacred miracles of the Torah, the ancient testament for the Christians, and try to light it with this new light to make it horrible. If the Jews of the time had used zombies, or infected blood, they would have risked a global infection and pandemic threat. No one in his right mind would do something like that. No, the seven plagues of Egypt, as they are known was a miracle of God. Not some prehistoric biological warfare. - I see. Now, to our good Imam, I ask my next question. Do you believe that this disease is a way for Allah to punish the none Muslim’s? After talking together for a few minutes, The Grand Imam answered: We do not believe that this plague is sent to punish anyone. Our people have been attacked by this virus and good Muslim died of it. These Djin’s or Zombies as you call them have been there for thousands of years. Why does Allah let them feed on humanity, we do not know. The Grand Mufti continued: but we do know that it is not the Jihad or the end of the world. It only show that in these times of trial, we must unite and forget our differences. Christians, Jews and Muslim must work together. This is the true message we are here to send today. The pope, the Chef Rabbi, the Grand Imam and the Grand Mufti rose and each exchanged with his counterpart religious symbols. The pope gave rosary and accepted the Koran and the David Star offered to him. He placed the later on a chain and displayed it on the front of his robes and placed the Book in his left hand for all to see. The rest of the show was pretty much along the same lines: questions about relation to the sacred books and or dogma and the Zombies, the leaders answering questions and supporting each others. The closing statement was a renew demand from all four man to have a global cease fire and to concentrate the effort of all on this single menace: the Zombies.

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